Hello Youtubes!
As you're going through today's marathon of the walking dead, you might notice that there are some pretty dumb deaths in the series. If only they followed Dr. Russell Fell's tips:
Well, as the saying goes: "You Can't Fix Stupid" but, you can definitely sing about it. Oh, I forgot!
Monday, December 31, 2012
The Walking Dead: Dumb Ways To Die
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The Walking Dead Marathon New Year's Eve 2012
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Happy New Year (again)! A friendly reminder that The Twilight Zone Marathon on SyFy is not the only game in town. AMC is also running their own marathon... of the dead! The Walking Dead! The marathon starts at 9am on Monday December 31, 2012 on AMC with Days Gone Bye. It will end on Wednesday January 2, 2013 at 4am with Days Gone Bye book ending the marathon. Below are links to AMC's schedule (if the link only takes you to a partial schedule, just click where it says "Show earlier listings."): AMC Mon Dec 31 2012 AMC Tue Jan 1 2013 AMC Wed Jan 2 2013
Here's a pretty cool trailer for season 3. It's mostly stuff we've seen already but it did revive my exciting for the series after a weak season 2.
The Twilight Zone Marathon New Year's Eve 2012
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Happy New Year everyone! The SyFy Channel's The Twilight Zone Marathon will be starting in a few hours. 8am to be precise with The Fever. But you can have an early start at 5am with People Are Alike All Over and then at 5:30am with Tz: Cable In The Classroom: Little Girl Lost. After that, there will be paid programming from 6am to 8am. The marathon ends on Tuesday morning January 2nd at 5am with The Purple Testament. Here are the links to the schedule: SyFy Schedule 12/30/2012 SyFy Schedule 12/31/2012 SyFy Schedule 01/01/2013 Also here's a bit of exciting Twilight Zone news to carry into 2013. Bryan Singer is interested in reviving the The Twilight Zone. He's attached as executive producer and potentially directing and writing for the new series. It's just talk for now. EW.com has the latest: New 'Twilight Zone' series in the works Let's hope the new series will be better than the 2002 revival. If only we can send that one into the corn fields. You know, speaking of corn fields. The best episode in the 2002 series is the direct sequel to It's a Good Life. Billy Mumy reprises his role as Anthony Fremont. He is reunited with Cloris Leachman who plays Anthony's mother, Mrs. Fremont. The sequel, It's Still a Good Life, introduces Anthony's daughter Audrey Fremont who is played by Billy Mumy's real life daughter Liliana Mumy. Mrs. Fremont discovers that Audrey is developing her father's powers and she might be the key to freeing them from the "Peaksville Monster." An excellent episode. In fact, you can watch it right after the "JUMP!" |
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Saturday Morning Cartoons 12/29/2012
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Starting this week, I'm putting the embedded videos for the Saturday Morning Cartoons after the "JUMP!" It's because the embedded videos are causing the site to load slower. And this week we have four videos. I've included the intro to Adventures Of The Little Koala and two episodes (10 min each):
So, grab some Mr. T cereal. Don't forget the milk or he'll pity the fool! Because milk does a body good! And let's watch some Saturday Morning Cartoons: |
Friday, December 28, 2012
Uncle Drew: Chapter 2
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Hello Youtubes!
"Age is just a state of mind."
Kyrie Irving is back as Uncle Drew. This time he brought his friend Wes along to get some buckets. See if you can recognize which NBA player is Wes. |
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Doctor Who: Caroling With Strax the Sontaran
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Only a few more hours until the new Doctor Who Christmas Special! In the meantime, being Christmas and all, Strax the Sontaran has graciously offered sing some Christmas Carols. I put the video after the "JUMP!" because it auto loads. Feel free to click on the "JUMP!" when you're ready: |
Mortal Kombat vs Christmas
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Hello Youtubes!
On this very special Holiday edition of Hello Youtubes, the Mortal Kombat Flash Mob is back! And this time, they are fighting against a very powerful opponent, CHRISTMAS! Or in the Outworld it's known by some as "Kristmas." |
Doctor Who: The Snowmen - Christmas Special 2012
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Christmas! Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas Have a Doctor Who Christmas! The Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Snowmen will be on BBCA tonight at 9pm EST. The Doctor will meet his new companion on tonight's special, Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman). Wait, was her name Oswin? Technically, he did meet her, Oswin in Asylum of the Daleks. Why is her name Clara? Anyway, I guess we'll find out as Series 7 develops. Also, keep your ears open and see if you can figure out who's voicing the Snowmen. There are two prequel clips that leads up to the special and you can find the links to them below: The Great Detective Madame Vastra Investigates Here's some Doctor Who Christmas music for you. Below is a video of the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra's sixth performance: "A Christmas Carol (Suite)."
If you would like to hear the full version of the lovely "Abigail's Song", feel free to follow the link on the bottom to my previous post. I've also included lyrics:
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Saturday Morning Cartoons 12/22/2012
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I can't find anymore episodes of the World of David the Gnome in English on youtube. But I did find a 4min gnome guide. Also, I just found out my last week's post of the Real Ghostbusters episode 134 20,000 Leagues Under the Street was the last episode. This week, we'll go back to episode 1 the Real Ghostbusters, Ghosts R Us. Because of the short David the Gnome clip, I'm also including an episode of the Adventures of the Little Koala. It's Roobear's adventure in the Ghost Ship (episode 3a). |
Friday, December 21, 2012
Happy Winter Solstice 2012!
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Not only was 12/21/2012 marked as the day that the world ends, it is also the day with the longest night in 2012. Is everyone alright? Yes? Well done everyone! Well done for making it past the Apocalypse! We're also halfway out of the dark. The days will be getting longer again. Happy Winter Solstice! My favorite story about the Winter Solstice so far is Doctor Who A Christmas Carol (2012 Christmas Special). Technically it is a Christmas story too but, it does touch upon the Winter Solstice. The special features a haunting song written by Murray Gold and performed by Katherine Jenkins called Abigail's Song (Silence Is All You Know). Ever since 2010, this is my Winter Solstice song: Abigail's Song (Silence Is All You Know) When you're alone, silence is all you know. When you're alone, silence is all you know Let in the noise and let it grow. When you're alone, silence is all you see When you're alone, silence is all you'll be Give me your hand and come to me. When you are here, music is all around. When you are near, music is all around. Open your eyes, don't make a sound. Let in the shadow, let in the shadow, Let in the light of your bright shadow. Let in the shadow, let in the shadow. Let in the light of your bright shadow. Let in the light. Let in the light. Let in the light of your sweet shadow. When you're alone, oh, Silence is all you know. Silence is all, Silence is all around. Silence is all Silence is all around |
12/12/2012 End of the World! or Street Fighter X Mega Man
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So you made it past the initiation part of the Apocalypse. You escaped the super quakes, tsunami of blood and the hell fire raining down from the skies. You've managed to safely barricade yourself from the undead horde. Great! Before we continue, here's a link to some helpful tips when dealing with zombies. Remember, safety first, always: Danger! 50,000 Zombies (full 26min) But what do you do when things starts to slow down and you get all comfy and bored? Not to worry. Just in time for the Apocalypse, a Street Fighter/Mega Man fan developed a pretty awesome game where worlds collide! The game was so awesome that Capcom officially licensed it. And this game is: Street Fighter X Mega Man! Why play this over the new games with better graphics and sound and quite possibly better game play? Because 2012 is the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter and Mega Man and it's for FREE! Happy Birthday!!! Which coincides being in the same year as the End of the World. 2012 is definitely special!
Here's where you can download Street Fighter X Mega Man:
I hope you're having as much fun during the Apocalypse as I am!
12/21/2012 End of the World! or The Walking Dead New Year's Eve Marathon
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What does The End of the World and the Walking Dead have in common? The Walking Dead is about the end of the world and reanimated corpses who's soul purpose is to eat humans has taken over the world. But what does the Mayan Calender and the Walking Dead New Year's Eve Marathon have in common? Apocalypse might have zombies in them? Eh? Well, I guess if the world does end tomorrow, the marathon might not happen. Which will be kind of sad. Maybe there is no connection? I just wanted to post about The End of the World. Anyway, I believe this is the 2nd Walking Dead New Year's Eve Marathon? SyFy's Twilight Zone New Year's Eve Marathon has stiff competition. The Walking Dead New Year's Eve Marathon starts at 9am on Monday December 31, 2012 on AMC with the first episode Days Gone Bye. The show will air in chronological order all the way to the latest episode, Made to Suffer on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 3am. But, it doesn't stop there. Days Gone Bye will be aired again right afterwards at 4am to close off the marathon. Below is AMC's schedule for the Walking Dead New Year's Eve Marathon 2012: (if the link only takes you to a partial schedule, just click where it says "Show earlier listings.") AMC Mon Dec 31 2012 AMC Tue Jan 1 2013 AMC Wed Jan 2 2013 And here's a look at what's coming up for the Walking Dead in 2013:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Doctor Who: The Snowmen Prequel: Vastra Investigates - Christmas Special 2012
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Winter is coming... The night is dark and full of terrors. But do not fear because the Doctor Who Christmas Special is less than a week away! It says so in the picture above: "Premieres Christmas Night at 9/8C BBC America." Less than a week. But that still seems pretty far away. In the mean time, here are a couple of promotional videos released by the BBC to stave off the Doctor Who craving. The first video is another prequel to the Christmas Special featuring Madam Vastra. The second video is the BBC America trailer. Enjoy! |
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Saturday Morning Cartoons 12/15/2012
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This time David the Gnome (ep2) and the Real Ghostbusters (ep134) are brought to us by hellobrad and ImmaQuackerJack. And I haven't been watching David the Gnome in order either. |
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Doctor Who: 12yr12mo12dy12hr12min12dw
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Doctor Who: Ultimate 50th Anniversary Trailer
Well maybe not the 12th Doctor yet but, there are rumors that there will be a regeneration around 2014:From the Sun: MATT SMITH will keep playing Doctor Who until at least 2014 There is an interesting fact about 12/12/2012 though. The next time that the year, month and day will be the same number is in a thousand years. By that time we'll definitely know who the 12th Doctor is and who's to say that he doesn't already exist? Remember, wibbly wobbly, timey wimey. So, cheers to the 12th Doctor! And here's an awesome trailer done by TARDISELLIOT PRODUCTIONS that takes us back in time to reminisce with the 11 Doctors: I can't wait to see what Steven Moffat and Matt Smith has installed for the 50th Anniversary Specials. Seems like such a long wait. The Christmas Special is only 12 days away and that seems like too long of a wait! |
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
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Hello Youtubes!
"I'm Bane, yes, that's my name.
Bruce Wayne and the Batman are totally the same. I broke his back mortal comBAT smack, then I cracked my '28 Krug champagne." I had my doubts about this video when it was linked to me on Facebook. It started out ok and I had some chuckles but, I totally lost it after minute 2:25. I highly recommend checking this out. The sound mixing and voice over is amazing. |
Monday, December 10, 2012
The Cosplayer Nation Documentary Premiere
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On a warm sunny November afternoon, I was fortunate enough to attend the premiere of the Cosplayer Nation Documentary. The documentary was part of a film festival that was held at the Brattle Theater in Harvard Square featuring local film makers and musicians. Amongst these artists is of course our friends, Cosplayer Nation. The CEO and Founder, Joshua Adams and the President and Co-Founder, Uke Li were in attendance. During the first intermission, I got a chance to talk to them and gave them my opinion of the Cosplayer Nation Documentary premiere. They're very nice people and never too busy to say "hello" and chat. So, if you ever see Cosplayer Nation at a convention, don't be shy, just say go up and "Hi!" What did I think of the documentary? Oh... "But wait," you exclaim! "What is Cosplayer Nation?" The short of it, Cosplayer Nation is a project of love started by local New Englanders whom are fans of cosplay. This project later became a legit Organization. Cosplayer Nation travels the world attending conventions seeking out cosplayers and documenting their love and devotion to the art of cosplaying. Basically, cosplaying is dressing up as your favorite character from but, not limited to anime, comic books, movies, pop culture, etc. There's a much deeper level to it but I'll let the real documentarians tackle that. It's literally, "COStume PLAY." A tribute to ANY character or any THING that you're a fan of. You like Einstein? Go ahead, dress up as the wacky atom splitting physicist. Your favorite is a German from the 40's? Sure? BUT! Make sure you don't unintentionally turn that into a hate crime. I'll save the skin and Nazi part of cosplaying for another post. Now, how did I like the Cosplayer Nation Documentary? I enjoyed it a lot. Uke Li was nice enough to show me a trailer of the documentary a couple of years ago and asked me to give an opinion. I ungraciously forgot (sorry Uke. I hope this post makes up for it). My reaction to that initial trailer was very positive. When Cosplayer Nation announced the premiere of the Cosplayer Nation Documentary, I immediately made plans to go and check it out. The film opens with a news reporter interviewing a cosplayer. The reporter was wondering why the cosplayer was dressed up since it wasn't Halloween. Then the film cuts to the news room and you can definitely see the confusion in the news correspondents' weirded out faces. It provoked laughs in the audience but more importantly it sets the tone of the film on answering the question, "what is cosplay?" From the intro, the film rolls into a segment with people dressing up as their favorite characters. Cosplayer Nation definitely took the time and effort to go through hundreds of hours of footage to cut together a very impressive looking group of cosplayers. The music Cosplayer Nation chose to accompany the colorful characters on screen was a very interesting (good interesting) cover of the Legend of Zelda theme with a melodic beat. I have to say, it's pretty Cool! There were people in the audience bopping their heads to the beat. The documentary is not a just a drawn out showcase of people in costumes. It's an unbiased look into the world of cosplaying and goes deeper into the psyche of the culture. It included interviews on the whys and the whats of these devoted artists. Why the many painstaking hours of work in making the costumes? What inspired these people to work so hard to risk being ridiculed? Some of these costumes are much better than what the professionals in Hollywood with a huge budget can create. Actually, I'd always felt that simply calling these incredible works of art "costumes" and "cosplays" does them injustice. But for a lack of my limited vocabulary, I'll stick to what I know. The love for this art also shines through the making of the documentary. The Cosplayer Nation Documentary took us back in time to WorldCon with The First documented costume. It even educated us on the etymology of the word "Cosplay." Diving deeper into the meaning of this art form, the film makers interviewed Danny Choo, the Dancing Stormtrooper of Tokyo, who gave us his take on the culture over in Asia. Another well known cosplayer interviewed was Holly Conrad. She's a Mass Effect cosplayer who got noticed by the movie and videogame industries. Now she's a professional costume designer. Holly Conrad was also featured in Morgan Spurlock's Comic-Con movie, Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope. A segment in the documentary that I really liked was the counterpoint of cosplaying. You know, that person who just doesn't get the art:
Later on, the film appropriately cuts to professionals such as system administrators, accountants and lawyers who participates in cosplay as an art form and self-expression. It included a well known Mr. T cosplayer in the New England area telling us what it's all about. He sounded rough but very articulate which is a lot like the documentary itself. The documentary is a bit rough on the edges. I had trouble hearing some of the interviews because the audio was a bit low. But the message it was getting across was legible. During my talk with the film makers (Joshua Adams and Uke Li), they assured me that the sound mixing will be better in the final cut. Yes, final cut. The version of the Cosplayer Nation Documentary shown at the Brattle Theater was only 15min long. This was not because of the film makers short sight. It was because of the time constraint set by the Film Festival. The film makers went on saying that the finished documentary will be much more focused and it'll touch upon the different cultures of cosplaying in other countries. I can not wait. I'd seen documentaries on Pop Culture Conventions such as Trekkies and Morgan Spurlock's Comic-Con movie but, none of them focused on just cosplaying. Cosplaying has became a phenomenon. You've probably seen someone walking down the street as some sort of character when it wasn't Halloween and wondered if the person was crazy. Maybe? But this art form definitely needs a movie if not, a series of movies to tell its story and to clear up misconceptions. It's been months since I did any real writing on this blog let alone, a review. I am glad that the Cosplayer Nation Documentary gave me the inspiration. There is a preview version of the documentary that is longer than 15min and it might show up in a theater, college or convention near you. I highly recommend checking it out if you get a chance. Whether you understand this type of art form/culture or not, the film is highly enjoyable and you'll definitely come out knowing much more about cosplaying. The Cosplayer Nation Documentary was both captivating and fun and as a cosplaying friend of mine would simply put it, "EPIC!"
Below is a link to the Cosplayer Nation youtube channel and Facebook. There are hours of cosplay footages and interviews from all around the world. I highly recommend subscribing:
I also linked the trailers of the Cosplayer Nation Documentary. Enjoy!
One of the highlights of the premiere was Cobra Commander shown at 0:47 of this trailer getting a huge applause.
![]() RATING: 4/5 |
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Saturday Morning Cartoons 12/08/2012
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This week for Saturday Morning Cartoons: We have episode 6 of the World of David the Gnome, The Wedding that Almost Wasn't. David and Lisa's friend is having a wedding and David is worried that the trolls will try to ruin the wedding. Because that's what trolls do. They love to ruin weddings. Trolls will be trolls. Be sure not to feed them. For The Real Ghostbusters, we get Attack of the B-Movie Monsters, episode 133 in Season 6. The Ghostbusters battle a Kaiju type monster. I'm really impressed with the use of the Japanese language in the beginning of the episode. The kid in this episode, Kenji, sounds like he's straight out of Katamari Damacy. Thank you BRB International and tenthplanet1995 for uploading. |
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Bob Ross Remixed
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Before I attended any art classes, I learned to paint from Bob Ross. Now I can learn to sing from an autotuned Bob Ross! Straight out of PBS we get the Joy of Painting remixed! The combination of Bob Ross' voice and the way he paints somehow makes the video hypnotic. PBS also did a Reading Rainbow remix with an autotuned Levar "Geordi" Burton! So, sit back, relax and let's learn about the joy of painting and the wonders of reading from the videos below... PBS Style! |
Jeremy Shada Running Errands With His Mom
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And he loves it! This music video starring Jeremy Shada (Finn of Adventure Time) is a taste of an upcoming Cartoon Network sketch comedy show, Incredible Crew. |
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Twilight Zone Marathon New Year's Eve 2012 Planned
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Keeping with tradition, SyFy will be airing the Twilight Zone Marathon this New Year's Eve. The marathon officially kicks off on Monday morning December 31st at 8am with The Fever. If that's too long of a wait for you, you can tune in earlier at 5am for People Are Alike All Over and then at 5:30am for Tz: Cable In The Classroom: Little Girl Lost. After that, there will be paid programming from 6am to 8am. The marathon ends on Tuesday morning January 2nd at 5am. The Purple Testament bookends the marathon. Below are links to the schedule (the auto loading ads are annoying!): SyFy Schedule 12/30/2012 SyFy Schedule 12/31/2012 SyFy Schedule 01/01/2013
Click on the link below for information on The 2013 New Year's Eve Twilight Zone Marathon:
You didn't think I'd leave you with just the schedule now did you? Thanks to OneMinuteGalatica, submitted for your approval, the monster of Tatooine: |
Saturday Morning Cartoons 12/01/2012
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Saturday Morning Cartoons
I was talking to a coworker recently about when she went to college with one of the kids from You Can't Do That On Television. She had a lot of insight on the show and about Alanis Morissette which my coworker did not share with me. Hmmm...Anyway, that got us talking about the shows back then and Saturday Morning Cartoons. What happened to them? Are there still Saturday Morning Cartoons? I wanted to check this morning but I had errands to run. I was going to post these two cartoons this morning as well but, when I came home from the errands, it's already noon. So, for the first "Saturday Morning Cartoon" post on Saturday Afternoon, I'm proud to present David the Gnome and The Real Ghostbusters. Found on youtube. Thank you BRB International and tenthplanet1995 for uploading. Why did I start with these two episodes and not post them in order? To simulate the Saturday Morning Cartoons experience in the 80's and early 90's. When I was a kid, I didn't really care which episode I started on because I didn't have a comprehensive schedule or an episode guide. If we missed the episode in syndication, the network might not rebroadcast it. The best way to keep and rewatch these shows were to record them with VCR. |
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving 2012!
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It's been a tough year for me and it still is. I'm thankful for the great people around me for making things better! Do you know what else I'm thankful for? I'm also thankful for Michael Jackson! And ABC for broadcasting Spike Lee's Michael Jackson Bad 25 Documentary tonight at 9:30 ET! |
Friday, November 16, 2012
Doctor Who: The Prequel to the 2012 Christmas Special: The Great Detective
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Merry Christmas everyone! Well, almost. Can you believe that Christmas a month and a couple of days away? Where did all the time go? I don't want Christmas to come too fast, not yet. Even if that means I have to wait longer for a new Doctor Who episode. That's not a knock on Series 7. It hasn't disappoint me yet (hopefully it won't). I just don't want time to be slippery. I'm old, I need time to reflect on my life and such stuff. In any case, BBC has released the prequel to the Doctor Who 2012 Christmas Special: The Great Detective with an introduction by Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman (the new companion Oswin Oswald). |
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Angry VIdeo Game Nerd The Movie - Trailer
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After the horrible World War Z trailer, I'm glad to see a trailer for a movie that I've been anticipating and actually want to watch. Thank you for saving my internet Angry Video Game Nerd! It's approved for your ass and coming this lifetime:
Thursday, November 8, 2012
World War Z - Trailer
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This year in New England we had a fare share of mother nature's anger: a 4.0 Earthquake, Hurricane Sandy and the recent Nor'easter. Winter hasn't even come yet! But it seems as though next year everyone will be feeling mother nature's wrath with a Zombie Tsunami. A "Z-Nami" if you will. You'll understand what I'm talking about after watching the trailer below. Actually, I'm not sure if the undead in the World War Z movie is a man-made disaster or a natural phenomenon.I don't think I'll be watching World War Z based on the trailer. Most likely I'll watch it on video because I did have a fun time watching this awful trailer. I couldn't stop laughing. I don't mind movies veering from the original source. I don't mind fast Zombies but World War Z the movie just looks terrible. World War Z (an extension to the Zombie Survival Guide) is based on one of my favorite books written by Mel Brooks' son, Max Brooks. The book is social commentary on how the world can be brought down by slow and dumb zombies because of political unrest, weak economic structures, stubborn pride and vapid practices. The book is not about ONE man on a mission to save the world. It actually follows a journalist who travels the world interviewing people post Zombie War. I also recommend the audio book version. World War Z's audio book features a couple of stories that's not told in the book. It also features great voice acting by: Max Brooks, Alan Alda, Henry Rollins and Mark Hamill. Mark Hamill plays a veteran of the Zombie War and does an awesome job especially in the retelling of "the Battle of Yonkers." For the people whom had read the book. You might be wondering, "what were they thinking?" Well, here's your answer from Entertainment Weekly:
Visual effects supervisor John Nelson (Iron Man) said World War Z’s zombies lean more toward sci-fi transformation victims rather than supernatural resurrection subjects. That led to a lot of research into animal behavior, especially for creatures under the amok-time sway of predator appetite or spawning urge.
“They are like predatory animals that can’t control themselves,” Nelson said. “I worked with tigers [while shooting Gladiator], and if you watch them when a horse goes by they go batty, even if they know they can’t reach it. When Zs see humans they do same thing, they activate. They launch themselves.” Here's the link to the Entertainment Weekly article: Brad Pitt amid the panic of 'World War Z,' and why its zombies are more 'predatory' than plodding Maybe these more science-rific tidal wave of zombies should go against the Sharknado. I'd go to the theaters for "that" movie! |
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Hobbit - Trailer Alternate Endings
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There are four other endings to the third trailer of The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey. Finding this out today is like finding money that I didn't know I had in some pants I haven't worn in a while!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey Trailer 3
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Wow! Wow! Wow! Precious! My Precious!!!! I can't wait! December 14th!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Doctor Who Series 7 Tonight!
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A friendly reminder that Doctor Who Series 7 premiers tonight September 1, 2012! Both in the UK and the USA!!! It's been a LONG wait. In the USA, Doctor Who - Asylum of the Daleks will be on BBC America at 9pm EST. The Series 7 promotions are pretty easy to find online. So, instead of featuring the Trailers and Pond Life here, let's jump further backwards in time to check out some comedy sketches that were included on the Curse of Fatal Death VHS.
(embedding disabled)
1987 French & Saunders (Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders). Followed by a Victoria Wood As Seen On TV skit.
1986 The Lenny Henry Show
Well, this being a post on the premier of Series 7, I guess I can't leave out the links to the promos: Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer Doctor Who: 'Asylum of the Daleks' Trailer Doctor Who Prequel: Pond Life part 1 |
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Doctor Who and the TARDIS: When World's Collide
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When is Doctor Who Series 7 coming? WHEN?! I can't take it any longer! Actually, there was a special viewing of the first episode "Asylum of the Daleks" at the BFI Southbank in the U.K. earlier today or was it yesterday? Damn time difference! In any case, on August 14th, 2012. But when is it going to premier in the U.S.A.?! WHEN?! Wikipedia says that Series 7 will premier in the U.K. in September. But will it premier on BBCA on the same day?! And this year is the 50th Anniversary!!! Stephen Moffat has something really special planned. Actually, the point of this post was to share the fantastic Doctor Mew artwork done by Jenny Parks and an awesome fan edited video: Doctor Who and the TARDIS: When World's Collide. I met the Doctor Mew artist, Jenny Parks, at Wizard World Chicago over the weekend and practically purchased everything from her booth. Please check out the super nice and talented Jenny Park's website: Jenny Parks Now, here is the awesome video. It was created to celebrate 100,000 likes on The.Doctor.Who.Tardis Facebook site: |
Olympics XXX - London 2012 Nostalgia
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NBC Cuts The Who, Ray Davies, Muse From Olympics' Closing Ceremony Broadcast For the Kate Bush Song that was cut check out this link: Here’s the Kate Bush Song That Was Cut from the U.S. Broadcast of the London Olympics Closing Ceremony Anyway... Yes! I think 2 days is long enough to garner a nostalgia post. Olympics XXX is in the past isn't it? What were some of the geeky things that happened during the 30th Olympiad? There were Mary Poppinses flying in to save the kids from their nightmares which had Voldemort in it:
Also, James Bond escorted the Queen to Olympics in a helicopter. And the queen sky dived into the stadium:
Mr. Bean also made an appearance:
If you're in the USA, you might have gotten some of the results of the Olympics spoiled for you before you get a chance to watch the NBC broadcast. John Stewart sympathizes: The Daily Show Olympics Spoiler Alert Here's something that probably wasn't spoiled for you because the networks didn't care much for this awesome geek performance of the 30th Olympiad: Olympic Gymnast Uses Zelda Medley During Performance My Awesome Sister is the Zelda Gymnast and Yes, She’s a Lifelong Gamer That's not enough Olympics for you? Here's more. From Middle Earth. Hope this ties you over until Brazil 2016!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Olympics XXX - London 2012 (Geektastic!)
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The Summer Olympics are here once again and I'm psyched! Wait... OH! I see why you're giggling. The XXX doesn't mean that this is a porn parody of the Olympics. XXX is the Roman Numeral for the number 30. This is the 30th Olympiad. The Opening Ceremony is on 27 July 2012 at 21:00 (9:00pm) London time. It will air in the USA at 7:30pm EST on July 27, 2012. Check out the link below for local times: NBC's Coverage of the Olympics For official news of the Olympic Games Check out this link: London 2012 at Olympic.org Danny Boyle, the director of 28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours is directing the London 2012 Opening Ceremony. There are rumors that there will be a Voldemort vs Marry Poppins duel! Please please please let this be true! Voldemort vs Marry Poppins Rumor at the Mary Sue
London 2012 started off geek-awesome with the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) carrying the Olympic Torch:
Here's another geeky Olympics trivia. During the 2004 Olympiad in Athens, the USA Synchronized Swimming Duet used music from Final Fantasy VIII. I can't remember the name of the piece. Do you know which one it is? I know it's Ultimecia's theme but I forget which part of the game it was used in:
I almost forgot to mention Olympics Basketball!
It's only my favorite event, that's all. My favorite, even before the original Dream Team. Below is a link to the USA Men's Basketball Participants:USA Men's Basketball Here's the USA Women's Basketball Participants: USA Women's Basketball Also, I read on the Metro this morning that James Bond (Daniel Craig) might make an appearance at the Opening Ceremonies. Danny Boyle is tight lipped on what is installed. |
Monday, July 23, 2012
Olympics 2012 - World Champions Edition
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Hello Youtubes!
Who's excited about the 2012 Olympics? I am!!! How excited am I? I'm Guile's Theme excited! Here's an edit I did using the inspirational Olympics 2012 - Survival montage. I did not edit any of the video, I just replaced Muse's song Survival with Guile's Theme. Why Guile's Theme? Because the Olympics is full of Win!
Here's the superior original video. This has become one of my all time favorites:
The Opening Ceremony will be on July 27, 2012. Check your local TV listings for more information.
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